Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I Love My UB Funkeys

I think UB Funkeys are so cool. I got 4 for Christmas and then I got more with my Christmas money. I love UB Funkeys. My family has nine of them. 5 of them are mine. My favorite is the one that looks like a little devil. My favorite game to play is Twink's Dream. You get to shoot stars at rainbows, clouds, and suns. I even have one Funkiki Island one. Now I wish I had an evil henchman.
The UB Funkeys I have are...
A Parrot
A Devil
A Sun
A Star
and A Panda.
That's All. (So Far)


  1. Jared U.B.Funkeys are so cool. I would do anything for them.

  2. cool background. mom is really nice to let you have a blog. I'll tell beth

  3. You have a blog Jared! How fun! You have a blogging family. When is Ren going to get one?

  4. I like your blog Jared! I didn't know you were a Weird Al fan.

  5. Hey like the monkey! I have 50+funkeys.
